Easily create, edit and share your own tech radar for your team or company using our simple and intuitive online tool.
Our tool allows you to manage and visualize key technologies and trends in your business, and share the results with your team.
The Tech Radar Editor is a visual tool. You can use it to map your technology landscape. The map takes the form of a radar on which each blip represents a technology element of your team or organization.
For each blip you can place it according to 2 criteria: category and adoption level. The categories are "Languages & framework", "Tools", "Platforms & Data" and "Techniques". The adoption levels are "Adopt", "Trial", "Assess" and "Hold".
For each blip you will also be able to indicate the evolution trend on the adoption part.
You can change the position of the blips by simple drag and drop.
This tool is inspired by the Thoughtworks radar: https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar.